Thursday, November 30, 2006

Anubis ...

‘tis in college that you get to meet some of the nuttiest characters on the planet … the kind that you see only in movies and say – “Now, there’s a dude who just can’t be real”. The stereo typical teen movie college freaks have an inspiration from real life after all for every once in a while we chance upon perfect nutcases such as ‘Anubis’, the stereo typical adorable ‘teen movie college freak’. To whoever said that mallus were un-cool and that there was no way on earth that a person who consumed every part of the coconut tree from leaf to root and thought that anointing oneself with coconut oil was the latest fad, could be cool, here’s irrefutable evidence that suggests otherwise.

Anoop Haridas Menon … dude, I personally feel that Anubis is way cooler, so I’m gonna stick with that. Anubis is one of the coolest dudes to walk the planet, period, although the hairstyle he currently sports ensures that his face ‘makes sense’ even if you saw it upside down… :D …

Blessed with a sense of humour that most stand up comics would kill for, this dude has often dazzled us all with some of the most amazing line long quips we’ve ever heard … For a sample of this guy’s twisted but mind bogglingly creative genius, add him as a friend on gtalk and track his status messages.

Apart from this, the reason why we got along famously from the word go is because he’s the only other ‘connoisseur’ of death metal in Hel(L) and apart from my grandma, he’s the only one to have never taken my case about my fake Malayalam … hehehehe … but he’ll never get me to listen to Slip cock or crotch or whatever … (sorry buddy, I know you musta broken out in tears by now : ) ) I have never seen a grown man cry the way Anubis does when someone disses slip knot … I mean, come on dude, they’re just a bunch of morons in masks (I’m lovin’ this … hehehehe )

It’s actually hard to believe that this dude could possibly have once sported the typical oiled mallu look with thick glasses to the boot, walking around with a Brilliant’s tutorial book in hand, back in school … that kind of stuff could get one beaten up back where I come from … hehehehe … But, now that the mallu look is out of fashion, this dude’s here to stay !! Gamer extraordinaire, the world’s biggest (any bigger and he’d be the Goodyear blimp) slip knot fan, Hel(L)’s own t-shirt designer, self proclaimed photoshop and Bryce 3d guru (fraud), lazy bum and one of my best buddies on campus … dude I’ll never forget the jam sessions, the movie marathons, the mallu dissing sessions, the loser talks, the metal discussions, the video exchanges on youtube, Index ’06 ‘free riding ;)’ and all kinds of other li’l stuff that’ll be inside my senti li’l fat cholesterol filled heart forever … hehehe …

One particular escapade that’s going to remain imprinted in my head forever is about how three of us - you, me and poor krupa went bawling after an insti party into the prof residential area and unleashed our pent up feelings about all things prof related … if it weren’t for krupa’s sobering up and realizing where we were, we’d probably have gotten our sorry posteriors kicked outta college before ‘nubis could have uttered ‘tibilisi’ (people, this is one of Anubis’ ‘tourettes ‘)

Dude, why did you have to go and take finance and bring your coolness coefficient down a few notches ? We’d have loved to have you in the folds of ‘Zero fin @ IIM Hel(L) … sigh … maybe in a different life … rock on dude …nay … metal on dude … IKMK IKMK IKMK IKMK !!!!!!!! Anubis rulez … Stay cool, stay mallu …


Darth Midnightmare said...

LOL. Yeah, trousers, t-shirt, oil-slicked hair, soda-bottle thickness spectacles, a Kausalya (*ouch* warn me to avoid him when I am next in his vicinity ;-) ) as a partner and a Brilliant Tute book in's been a long journey for da maan and one must commend St. Xavier's Bombay for a great deal of that :-).

Oh and what's that? He likes Blipfroth? Or was that Limpcrotch?

MURGI said...

yeouch !!